The Show Must Go On/Off-line: Green Thursdays,a series of international online discussions

The Show Must Go On/Off-line: Green Thursdays,a series of international online discussions

Δημοσίευσηαπό Unima » 19 Ιαν 2021, 18:01

The Show Must Go On/Off-line: Green Thursdays,
a series of international online discussions

15:00-17:00 CET, online.

The international discussion series The Show Must Go ON/OFF-line continues! This year’s first episode focuses on digital audience.

This year’s first episode of the international online discussion series will address the topic of “Digital Audience” and will take place on 28 January at the usual time, 15:00-17:00 CET. The closure of theatres, dance spaces, cultural centres and public spaces for live art production during the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a mass migration of the performing arts to digital platforms. How are spectators reacting to this? What do we know about theatre-going audiences of the pre-covid era and how have they changed with the relocation of theatre, dance and contemporary circus productions to the online environment? Has this shift brought about a decrease in viewership, as potential spectators flee their screens for the solace of parks and forests, or is it a tool for audience development, perhaps among digitally savvy youth, for example? What data is available on the "digital audience"? How can we monitor and evaluate the behaviour of the digital spectator and in what ways do these methods differ from the types of marketing analysis carried out in cultural organisations under normal circumstances? Join us for the next webinar in the Green Thursdays series, The Show Must Go ON / OFF-line, where guests from the Czech Republic, Poland, the United Kingdom and Germany will answer these questions, along with the ones you ask during the webinar.

The “Green Thursdays” online discussion series, featuring guests drawn from the ranks of theatre and dance artists, curators, cultural managers and theorists from the Czech Republic and abroad, addresses the performing arts’ sensitivity and responsiveness to contemporary social issues. Key themes are the adaptation of theatre, dance and contemporary circus to the virtual environment as a result of the anti-pandemic measures and questions related to sustainability - both of our current quality of life, and the performing arts themselves. The series is organised by ATI’s International Cooperation Department as part of its Promotion of Czech Performing Arts Abroad programme and in cooperation with the European projects Create to Connect -> Create to Impact and the network Performing Arts Central Europe(PACE.V4). The webinars will be held on the Zoom platform and will take place in English. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask guests questions during the webinars and the recordings will be made available on ATI’s YouTube channel.

We are currently preparing further episodes on the topics that theatre, dance and contemporary circus in the Czech Republic and abroad are currently contending with, such as contemporary “Covid” drama, the challenges of running dance and theatre festivals under the extraordinary measures associated with the pandemic, and public interaction in the online space. This year, we will also launch the new podcast SHOW OFF, prepared by our discussion moderators in collaboration with director Jiří Šimek. You can already look forward to the first episode, which will be released in late January. Watch this space!

· Webinar registration link: ... Ls06xnIPtg

Contact Person: Barbora Comer ([email protected])
[email protected]
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